
what is bvic

contact bvic

goals bvic

space bvic

bvic director

equipment bvic

bvic hub

supports bvic

contact bvic

We want to meet you, tell us your projects
and ask us everything you can think of.
We will be happy to hear from you,
help you develop and create together,
everything you are imagining.

Carrer Santa Caterina 31, baixos.
08014 Barcelona


+ 34 678 788 731

We will process your data to answer your query.
If you accept, you will receive commercial communications about our services.
You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion and opposition.

what is bvic

bvic is a platform for creation, research and debate about art,
culture, sustainability and environment. We are a space open to the artistic community,
in co-creation with specialists in different disciplines.
bvic presents an online universe of virtual realities and in-person programs.
New ways to approach culture in community, biodiversity
and to the environment.

What will the new cultural spaces of the future be like? How will the community participate?
in these co-creative processes? How do digital systems influence and what changes do they promote in our way of living, reflecting and (re)presenting? What physical experiences
Will they accompany you?

goals bvic

We work on research and creative projects, as well as immersive online and in-person virtual exhibitions, digital archives, laboratories and workshops of new technologies. We connect the public and art, providing a new online space,
where life and culture connect and inspire each other.

Through bvic programs, we investigate and rethink the concepts of Cultural Space and Museum as open and participatory spaces that connect people
with contemporary life through art, ecology and biodiversity.

We experiment in new projects to share knowledge and ideas.
We develop them digitally and online, expanding them beyond the virtual space,
through exhibitions and traveling laboratories in person, in social, socio-health, educational and business spaces.

From bvic we direct and share specific projects, such as the development and conservation of the Rubiralta i Garriga Collection (CRiG), 17th-21st centuries, or the creation of the new Museo Gorrotxategi Konfiteri Museoa Virtual, with the sponsorship of different institutions, since 2016.

aligned with the SDGs 2030/50

All bvic programs, activities and Apps_VR are created from
of the Development and Sustainability Goals 2030/50:

. Quality education.

. Gender equality.

. Reduction of Inequalities.

. Climate Action.

. Life of terrestrial ecosystems.

. Health & Wellness.

. Responsible production and consumption.

. Cities and responsible consumption.

. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.

. Peace, Justice and Responsible Institutions.

space bvic

studio bvic will open in 2024. We have recovered an old factory-school from the late 19th century, located in the Sants neighborhood in Barcelona, an emblematic place for critical creation, local heritage and new emerging sociocultural movements. bvic creates the present in a place of history.

We offer 400 m2 of interior spaces and 160 m2 of exterior green space, for offices, research laboratories, installations and exhibitions: creation programs, sound, oral tradition, technology, heritage, gastronomy and ecology, which invite the public to direct interaction with creativity and provide a space for inspiration and participation.

director bvic

Xavier Rovira Rubiralta is the director of bvic. Xavier has an outstanding international career as a researcher, artist, editor, curator and specialist in new technologies and culture.

He is currently President of the Association ik109 Creation Laboratory and CEO of liquidDinamik SL. He has been a professor at Elisava University School of Design and Engineering of Barcelona and Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México, among others.

He is an honorary professor at the University of Deusto and the Ceinpro School of New Technologies. Since 2022, he has directed the creation of the new museums/archives Gorrotxategi Konfiteri Museoa Birtuala and CRiG Museo Virtual. In 2023 he wins the competition for the technological creation of the Museu del Baroc de Catalunya, for Croquis SA (Europa Creativa_Next Generation and Ajuntament de Manresa in collaboration with MNAC. Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya).

Born in Barcelona, Xavier studied at Llotja_Escuela de Arte i Superior de Diseño de Barcelona, at Università Ca' Foscari (Venezia), at Chelsea School of Art (London), at the School of Visual Arts (New York) and at The Banff Center for the Arts (Banff, Alberta). Xavier has carried out numerous exhibitions, installations and social projects in Europe, Japan, South America, Central America, North America and Canada.

He is the author, among others, of the books: . Xavier Rovira, Authentic Fiction (with Elvira Dyangani Ose) Actar Editions 2002. . CRiG: El taller dels Abadal, Editorial Barcino/Fundació Carulla 2016 (with Pilar Vélez, Carles Duarte, Francesc Fontbona and Jaume Ayats, among others). . Gora VR! Guide to good practices in Virtual Reality, Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa Ediciones, 2021.

equipment bvic

bvic collaborates with an interdisciplinary network of artists and specialists.

Curators of VR Apps, exhibitions and activities:

. María José Aranzasti. Art Historian. App_VR Curator: Universo Germinal®.

. Jaume Ayats i Abeyà. Musician and Music Historian.
App_VR Curator: Natures Sonores®.

. Laia Carrió. Environmentalist. Curator App_VR: Invisisible Microplásico®.

. Jon Imanol Etxabe. Psychologist and Sexologist. Curator App_VR: Various Diversities®.

. Natacha Filipppi. Ethnobotany. App_VR Curator: Natures Sonores®.

. Bego Source. Biodesigner. Curator App_VR: Ornament and Emotion®.

. Amaia Galparsoro. Architect. App_VR Curator: Sensible Environment®.

. Blanca Gorrotxategi. Nutritionist. Curator Gorrotxategi Konfiteri Museoa Birtuala®.

. Iñaki Gorrotxategi. Pastry chef. Curator Gorrotxategi Konfiteri Museoa Birtuala®.

. Unai Ormazabal. Biologist. App_VR Curator: Oceanic Trades®.

. Xavier Rovira Rubiralta. Apps_VR Commissioner: Itaipu. The Pigments of the Earth®
and Co-curator CRiG Virtual Museum®.

. Montserrat Rubiralta. President of the CRiG Collection. Rubiralta i Garriga Collection.
Co-curator CRiG Virtual Museum®.

. Vicente Ruiz. Chef. Apps_VR Curator: Gastronorium®.

. Iñigo Segurola. Landscape architect. Curator App_VR: Seasonal Sensations®.

. Pilar Velez. Art Historian. Curator Apps_VR: Culture and Human Quality®.

Collaborators and Advisors:

. Joxe Mari Aizega. Director BASQUE CULINARY CENTER, Donostia.

. Vicenç Altaió. Writer. President FUNDACIÓ BROSSA, Barcelona.

. Paula Amiguet. Writer and screenwriter, Barcelona.

. Jordi Bonet. CEO VITRALLS BONET, Barcelona.

. Lucia Bruni. Biodesigner. CEO LUCIRMÁS, Barcelona.

. Amadeu Carbó i Martorell. JOAN AMADES Cultural Association, Barcelona.

. Toni Cumella. CEO CERÀMIQUES CUMELLA, Barcelona.

. Beatriu Daniel. CEO BDANSA, Barcelona.

. Carles Duarte. President of the National Council of Culture and Arts, CoNCA.

. Fine Duran. Art Historian and Curator, Barcelona.

. Alex Diaz. Singer and composer, Donostia/London.

. Elvira Dyangani Ose. Director of MACBA. Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona.

. Alexis Eupierre. Choreographer and Dancer, Barcelona.

. Francesc Fontbona. Member of the INSTITUT D'ESTUDIS CATALANS, Barcelona.

. Heura Gaya. Singer and songwriter, Barcelona.

. Sandra Hernandez. Psychosocial manager of ARRIAGA FUNDAZIOA, Donostia.

. Guilsey Homet. Photographer, Barcelona.

. Matt Ku. Neuropsychologist, Tai Pei/Donostia.

. Carles Lalueza-Fox. Director of the NAT. Museum of Natural Sciences of Barcelona.

. Alexia Lleonart. Engraving teacher at the ESCOLA D'ART DE MANRESA.

. Leandro Lopez. Programmer, Barcelona/Buenos Aires.

. Jesús Manuel Pérez Centeno. Archaeologist, Donostia.

. Marc Antoni Malagarriga. Typographer and Documentalist, Manresa.

. Madola. Ceramic Artist, Barcelona.

. Nani Marquina. Designer. CEO of NANIMARQUINA, Barcelona.

. Carlota Marquina. Artistic director of nanimarquina, Barcelona.

. Joan Moncau. CEO CROQUIS SA, Barcelona.

. Gabriel Moragues. Director MOBLES114, Barcelona.

. Marijo Moreno. Architect. CEO of ERROTU TALDEA, Donostia.

. Look at Muñagorri. Architect. CEO of ERROTU TALDEA, Donostia.

. Marcial Muñoz Manzaneque. CEO NINENTA GRADOS, Donostia.

. Montserrat Noguera. Coordinator of Escola Superior Disseny i Art LLOTJA, Barcelona.

. Carlos Olaetxea. Director GORDAILUA. Heritage Collections of Gipuzkoa.

. Maite Oliva. Director CLERCH I NICOLAU FOUNDATION, Figueres.

. Marisa Ortigosa. Psychologist. Director AFAGI_ALZHEIMER GIPUZKOA, Donostia.

. Ainhoa Arrillaga. ARRILLAGA FUNDAZIOA Dynamizer, Donostia.

. Ester Rovira Rubiralta. Architecture and Urban Space Photographer, Barcelona.

. Estibaliz Veintemillas. Photographer and Video Creator, Donostia.

. Francesc Vila. Director of the MUSEU DEL BARROC DE CATALUNYA, Manresa.

. Meritxell Virgili. CEO OMUSES and SOLC Festival, Barcelona.

. Iñaki Telleria. Psychologist Director of CASER BETHARRAM, Irún.

Thanks to the volunteers, caregivers, family members, interns, friends,
and heads of entities and institutions that make this project possible.

hub bvic

bvic, bio virtual innovation center, was born thanks to the impulse and union between the Association ik109 Laboratory of Technological, Sociocultural and Environmental Creation (, CRiG Collection Rubiralta i Garriga_Siglos XVII-XXI (www.crig.liquidmaps .org) and the cultural company liquidDinamik SL (

bvic is an entrepreneurial, cultural and business project. Our programs have been funded since 2010, thanks to sponsorships from the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Spain (2023-24), “la Caixa” Foundation (2020-23), Adinberri Fundazioa (2020-23), Provincial Council
of Gipuzkoa_Departments of Culture and Economy (2019-23), “la Caixa” Social Projects
(2019-20), Errotu Taldea SCP (2018-24), Fundació Carulla (2016-17), Diputació de Barcelona (2017-19), Basque Government (2014-24), Noventa Grados_Marcial Muñoz SL (2010-24),
Croquis SA (2010-24).

And through the development income collected through our Association ik109 Technological, Sociocultural and Environmental Creation Laboratory and liquidDinamik SL.

bvic hub seeks to generate new relationships and projects between institutions, companies, people, artists and specialists, which translates into more interest, access and participation for culture
and sustainability.

Thanks to:
. Collaborating organizations and foundations
. Collaborating institutions
. Collaborating institutions for social inclusion
. Collaborating companies
. Collaborating Museums and Collections

© bio virtual innovation center / Registered trademark of basque virtual innovation center. liquidDinamik s.l.

 © VR apps, 3D videos and texts. liquidDinamik sl 2024, and its authors.