
bvic rights

Programs bvic human rights

Diversities Program

Ministry of Culture and Sports of Spain. 2023_24

Various Diversities: Being Asexual

Virtual Reality App

Various Diversities: Being Bisexual

Virtual Reality App

Various Diversities: Being Gay

Virtual Reality App

Various Diversities: Being Heterosexual

Virtual Reality App

Various Diversities: Being Intersex

Virtual Reality App

Various Diversities: Being Lesbian

Virtual Reality App

Various Diversities: Being Queer

Virtual Reality App

Various Diversities: Being Transsexual

Virtual Reality App

Various Diversities: And I like the others...

Scientific commissioner: Jon Imanol Etxabe. Psychologist and Sexologist.
Art Work VR: Xavier Rovira Rubiralta.
Program in progress: in collaboration with associations and artists to be defined.

In a world where people from the LGTBIQA+ community still face discrimination, hatred, injustice, or violence, simply for being who they are, it is imperative to create tools that promote empathy and understanding.

“Why is love still a crime in many parts of the world? In the 21st century, millions of people face insults, violence, discrimination, torture, incarceration and even executions because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.”

“Do hate crimes occur in Spain? Hate speech about sexual orientation occurs throughout the world, promoting intolerance, discrimination and violence towards the LGTBIQA+ community. Also in Spain. According to the 2022 report on the evolution of hate crimes in Spain from the Ministry of the Interior, hate crimes due to sexual orientation and gender identity are the second cause of total hate crimes, behind crimes due to racism and xenophobia. ”.
Amnesty International, 2024

We need spaces that allow us to break down prejudices and build a bridge towards a more inclusive and fair society, where each identity is valued and respected.

Diversas Diversidades is a Virtual Reality Application Program that aims to present conversations between people with very different realities.

The sexual diversity of human beings is reflected in this variety of sexual identities, bodies and very different desires that exist among the characters, each one representing an acronym of the LGTBIQA+ community.

We invite you to learn from the Diverse Diversities conversations, which highlight the similarities and differences between each person, in order to define, understand and respect each of the contemporary realities.

Social commitment
The social commitment of the project is to promote education on these most urgent issues. We provide key information with aspects that should be discussed at school and in the media.

Being Asexual

Being Bixesual

Be gay

Being Straight

Being Lesbian

Being Queer

© bio virtual innovation center / Registered trademark of basque virtual innovation center. liquidDinamik s.l.

 © VR apps, 3D videos and texts. liquidDinamik sl 2024, and its authors.

Being Transsexual

© bio virtual innovation center / Registered trademark of basque virtual innovation center. liquidDinamik s.l.

 © VR apps, 3D videos and texts. liquidDinamik sl 2024, and its authors.