
bvic silver+

Programs bvic silver+ for seniors

The Light of Sound Program

Ministry of Culture and Sports of Spain. 2023_24

The Light of Sound: String Instruments

Virtual Reality App

The Light of Sound: Electronic Instruments

Virtual Reality App

The Light of Sound: Origins and miscegenation

Virtual Reality App

The Light of Sound: Percussion Instruments

Virtual Reality App

The Light of Sound: Wind Instruments

Virtual Reality App

The Light of Sound: Vibration Instruments

Virtual Reality App

Optimal Optimism Program

Adinberri Fundazioa. 2020_22

Shared affections

Virtual Reality App

musical forest

Virtual Reality App

Natural connections

Virtual Reality App

The castaway's letter

Virtual Reality App

A little story

Virtual Reality App

An exquisite tea

Virtual Reality App

Save stars

Virtual Reality App

To live here

Virtual Reality App

Carrots for dinner

Virtual Reality App

The light of sound program.

The Light of Sound program investigates group musical activities, such as playing an instrument, dancing, singing and listening, which release endorphins and oxytocin, reduce stress and make us happier and more positive people.

When we listen to music, the areas of the brain that are responsible for empathy are activated. They are the areas where mirror neurons are located, which act by reflecting the actions and intentions of others as if they were their own. In this way, we can feel their emotion, their affection, their joy, their fear, their sadness, their pride, their passion...

Music is a code, a universal language, which is present in all cultures in the history of humanity. Curiously, the hieroglyphic signs representing the word “music” were identical to those representing the states of “joy” and “well-being.” And in China, the two ideograms that represent it mean “enjoy the sound.”

We are interested in the origins of the therapeutic use of sounds and music. Plato already cited that “music was for the soul what gymnastics was for the body”, recognizing that relationship between music and emotions, we work with this program on certain qualities or properties that affect our emotional, cognitive and spiritual dimensions.

Music therapy improves the quality of life of older people and improves the needs of people with cognitive diversities. This program is designed to improve well-being, control stress, reduce pain, express feelings, enhance memory, improve communication and facilitate physical rehabilitation.

The Sound of Light program presents 8 Apps in Virtual Reality, a traveling exhibition, 8 teaching guides and parallel activities.

Shared affections

Optimal Optimism Program.
A program for older people
and people with different cognitive abilities.

Commissioner: bvic. bio virtual innovation center + ik109 Creation Laboratory
Art Work VR: Xavier Rovira Rubiralta.

The Optimum Optimism program seeks to solve and overcome the challenges and demands of the current situation of older people and the network of associations and groups:

. Knowledge transmission and dialogue
. Overcoming the digital divide to integrate the elderly into new communication and leisure channels
. Management of emotions and creativity
. Co-creation and empowerment, both of older people, as well as family members, health workers, volunteers and caregivers.

Optimum Optimism places older people at the center as active protagonists, and empowers them to learn to be key agents of social change.

We provide artistic, co-creative and social innovation to build new perspectives that make us grow as older people and as a society, from emotion and enthusiasm, to connect with local organizations and communities.

We work with cultural heritage to motivate, recover memory and create vibrant learning and creative experiences with meaning.

Optimal Optimism Program

Virtual Reality App

Parallel activities

Cognitive games for memory

Parallel activities

Cognitive games for groups

Parallel activities

Gastronomy, emotion and memory

We are working, sorry for the inconvenience:
website in beta phase

© bio virtual innovation center / Registered trademark of basque virtual innovation center. liquidDinamik s.l.

 © VR apps, 3D videos and texts. liquidDinamik sl 2024, and its authors.